
英语翻译 2020-03-21 07:07:47 英语翻译
[摘要]大作文背诵篇之一Help Children to Be IndependentCurrently in China, a growing number of households have only one child Consequently, the children are usually外语>初高英语



Help Children to Be Independent

Currently in China, a growing number of households have only one child. Consequently, the children are usually spoiled by all family members. Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and lack the ability to solve their problems independently.

There are some effective ways to help children to be independent. To start with, the child should have a chance to experience the world around him. He must understand that there are various competitions in this world, and that everyone can find his right position in the society only by individual efforts. In addition, the parents should give the child enough assiatance to make him feel comfortable. It’s far from possible to ask a child not to depend on parents at once. A child needs help from the beginning. Without any help, the child may lose his faith. Finally, parents should let his child make decisions, which can temper his ability to deal with problems. A child should be praised when he is successful or when he fails.

To be independent is of great benefit for the children, because no parents can accompany the children for the whole life. It is the child himself who is responsible for her own fate. It is only an independent person who can live and succeed in this rat-race world.






Attitude is everything

Currently, the famous motto(格言) that attitude is everything has become a cachphrase(流行的口号). The saying lays emphasis on the the importance of attitude in our life.

Attitude is significant because it is the key to happiness. Life is far from=never perfect and whether we feel happy or not depends on how we look at our problems. When confronted with an adverse situation, some individuals feel gloomy and fall into depression. Others, however, look at the positive side of the situation and remain cheerful. It’s our attitude rather than (而不是)the situation itself that determines how we feel. Happiness, as the saying goes, is an attitude of mind(心情).

Attitude is important also because it is the key to success. We are, so to speak, the product of our attitudess. If we feel good about ourselves, we can maximaize our potentials and do our jobs well. A positive attitude is essential to success in every area of life.

Attitude is everything. There ia a lot of truth in the saying, although it may seem a little exaggerated(夸张)at first sight. It is, therefore, advisable that we all adopt a postive attitude so that we can better enjoy our life.


Good Mnnners

Good manners help to form harmonious relationships among people. Every citizen should have good manners. To some extent, good manners indicate a person’s education and breeding. A person with good manners always wins praise. On the contrary, a person with bad manners is usually unwelcome.

As college students, we should conduct ourselves propely and have good manners. We should, first of all, respect our teachers. Our teachers not only impart knowledge to us, but also help us to become good citizens. In addition, we should treat our classmates kindly so that we can live together and study together happily. We should also behave politely in everyday life. For example, we should avoid such minor offenses(冒犯) as making loud noises, smoking, casual littering(乱丢)and spitting(乱吐)in public places.

If everyone develops good manners, people will be more friendly to each other and will live peacefully. With the general moral climate of society improved, civilization will progress and people will live a better life. Accordingly, let’s strive to cultivate good manners.


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