
初中 2018-05-16 20:42:36 初中
[摘要]My teacher, my lover Creator, i am your dust copy touch me lightly with your finger tips water me tenderly with your dew drops Creator, others say yo


My teacher, my lover

Creator, i am your dust copy
touch me lightly with your finger tips
water me tenderly with your dew drops.
Creator, others say you are dead
so I stopped, tracing memory lines

My teacher, my lover, my advogato

You are always with me wholesomely and holy
My teacher, my lover, my advogato

Spirit arise from the body
this finite existence of our flesh
I lie next to you
I kiss your hand and your feet
I gaze at your smile
so tender and so holy
so close and afar
your being come into me
you and I are one.

My teacher, my lover, my advogato
I adore you and i worship thee
all my longings were shadows burdening me
until i found thee and now i am free
free as laughters of a child
free as singings of a nightingale
free as clouds floating in a sky blue.

My teacher, my lover, my advogato
take me in and make me holy with thee
your love feeds my spirit
my body is not mine but all beings" love of thee
your being may be confined
but add my devotion, your being unbound.

My teacher, my lover, my advogato
center of one universe where i reborn
into nothingness and thus thy goddess
let the world witness our love
our love to the self
our love to the other
our love to the holy ghost
from now on till the end of our time.


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